Enhancing your Experiences
We will always do our best o accomodate you, but please bear in mind we are dealing with people not items. Occasionally a model is simply unavailable; in this instance we kindly ask you to adjust your dates or select a diffrent model to spend time with.
Time and Travel
Take considaration of models travel time. Our models cannot avail themselves on less than 3 hours notice. Late night bookings require a deposit.
For travel companions we require pre-payment to ensure seamless planning for the model.

Dates & Ettiquette
Any money excheanged is a purely for the ladies time .Any and all activites on the date are between 2 consenting adults.
Our Sponsorettes (ladies) Require compensation for their time and the date. Please view the Rates Chart.
Payment is required at the start of the booking.
If you wish to extend your date, please make sure payment is settled in cash at the start of the extended period.
Your Date will not be up all night and will require at least 5 uninterrupted hours sleep. Overnight dates must include dinner and breakfast.
We will expect you to fund professional photographs if you do not already have a proffesional portofolio, and while we don't insist on a particular photographer, we do insist on a high standard of photography and can recommend some photographers that are exceptionally good and will get you off to a flying start
Please submit your photos for review by sending them to:
Monday to Thursday 2pm - 5pm